A python toolbox for dynamic spectrotemporal receptive field (dSTRF) analysis, as introduced in Keshishian et al (2020). In short, dSTRF is a method to analyze which parts of the input at any time point are being used by a feed-forward deep neural network to predict the response.
In mathematical terms, for a nonlinear model \(f(\cdot)\), input at time \(t\), \(X_t\), and output at time \(t\), \(Y_t = f(X_t)\), the dSTRF is the locally linear transformation \(W_t\), such that: \(Y_t = W_t X_t\). Now, if \(f(\cdot)\) is a linear function, \(W_t\) will be the same for all \(t\). If not, the linearized function applied to the input (\(W_t\)) will depend on the given stimulus (\(X_t\)), which is the case in a deep neural network.
A linear function mapping the auditory stimuli in the spectrotemporal domain (i.e., auditory spectrograms) to the neural activity recorded from the biological brain is called a spectrotemporal receptive field (STRF). Since we use a nonlinear mapping between the stimulus and response, and characterize it as a locally linear function at each time point, we call this a dynamic spectrotemporal receptive field (dSTRF).
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